
Showing posts with the label health

Eat These If You Want Your Vagina To Taste Like Heaven

Ladies try these if you want your juices to smell and taste great. You're welcome. Disclaimer: If you're a lady that dislikes oral sex please this is not for you Now let the "serious" children begin our lesson The first on the list is Pineapples Experts say it works because it's high in Vitamin C & B Greek Yogurt or Just regular Yogurt Yogurt is full of good bacteria that your vagina needs to function happily and it also helps balance the pH levels of the vagina. Green Veggies As much as possible try and eat more vegetables than meat. Too much meat makes you smell funny down there, so it's best you eat your greens more often. P.S avoid Asparagus and Broccoli.  Honey Please don't rub honey on your vagina oo. And don't take excess of it either, because too much sugar can cause a bad smell. Just moderate quantities daily is fine. Berries (Cranberries, Grapes, Strawberries...etc) This one is based on hearsa...

7 Things Lemon And Water Can Do To Your Health You Can’t Even Imagine

Suffering from joint pains? Wish to lose weight? All you need is a warm cup of water and lemon, that’s it. A simple cup of warm water with lemon in it can do wonders to your health. These are the two things that you would find forever in your homes. Yeah! That’s right. You don’t need anything else. It freshens up your breath Lemon in itself is a source of vitamin C that helps in fighting disease related to gums that can cause bad breath. Helps a person to lose weight If you are following a weight loss program and fallen to weight losing stimulants. You need to switch to this natural stimulant. The reason why people mostly put on weight is because of abrupt eating habits and lemon and water being high in pectin fiber helps fight hunger cravings. It is a two-pronged sword for joint pains and acidity The reason is that lemon and water has high PH levels. Drinking lemon water on regular basis can help in fighting joint pains and acidity. Needless to say, that b...

Things You Need To Know About Your Teeth

Healthy teeth are really important for our overall health. They help us to bite, chew, smile and speak. It's important to understand the different types of teeth you have throughout your life and how to care for it. This act (Growing of Gum and Teeth) start from when the baby is still a fetus since "a child’s baby" teeth are being made before birth while the baby is still inside the mother’s womb. Things you need to know about teeth Healthy teeth are really important for our overall health. They help us to bite, chew, smile and speak. It's important to understand the different types of teeth you have throughout your life and how to care for it. This act (Growing of Gum and Teeth) start from when the baby is still a fetus since "a child’s baby" teeth are being made before birth while the baby is still inside the mother’s womb. In this article we will learn: How to take care of our children teeth and the skin (gums) around them How to t...

This is why you should be eating more of Curry Leaves

Curry powder is usually only added in the food for aroma and taste. If you eat curry leaves in the morning on an empty stomach, you will have many benefits to the body. The curry leaves contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium and iron. However, they are far more important than many people realize, and they offer a number of  health  benefits without any side effects. Cure Diarrhea Research studies conducted by Ashish Pagariya and Maithili, V. concluded that the carbazole alkaloids present in curry leaves have anti-diarrheal properties. Experiments on lab rats showed that carbazole extracts from curry leaves had significantly controlled castor oil-induced diarrhea. A bunch of curry leaves can be ground up and the paste can be eaten or the juice of the leaves can be consumed. Gastrointestinal Protection Use of curry leaves is recommended as a cure for gastrointestinal issues in Ayurveda. One important is due to the fact that they are considered to pos...

7 Reasons Why You Should Be 

When I’m cooking, the first ingredient I reach for is olive oil. Still, I never really appreciated until now how important olive oil is for everyday health. In fact, lots of folks swear by drinking olive oil every single day. Some people even insist that a  glass  of olive oil a day keeps the doctor away ! While a glass of olive oil sounds like it might overload the average system, there are definitely benefits to making olive oil a key part of your diet. In fact, olive oil is extremely useful stuff —  you can even use it around the house to clean and make minor repairs . Meanwhile, many medical professionals recommend using healthy fats like olive oil to cook all of your food. You can also swallow down a tablespoon in a pinch. So, what exactly happens to your body when you start drinking olive oil as part of your daily routine? Scroll through below to learn about the incredible benefits! What Exactly Is Olive Oil? Laura Caseley for Little...

5 Home Remedies For Dark Spots That Are Guaranteed To Work

So, what do you actually do when you find dark spots on your face? Besides sulking, I mean. Because no matter how much bleach you assault your face with, those pesky discolored marks simply refuse to leave you alone. And going in for one of the dermatological treatments mentioned above is not a viable option for everyone. Well, do I have some great news for you! What if I told you that instead of heading to your nearest drugstore or dermatologist’s clinic, the only place you need to head to is your kitchen? I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me because it does sound too good to be true. But, the honest truth is, your kitchen is full of ingredients that work wonders for dark spot removal. And I am here to tell you exactly what you will need and  how to  use it. So read on to find out all the secrets to get rid of those pesky little buggers and restore your selfie-ready perfection!  1. Lemon Juice When life gives you lemons, by all means, make...

7 Common Foods That Can Lighten Your Complexion Naturally

   It is almost a craze among the teenagers and women these days to have a lighter complexion. Among these people, some may experience imbalanced skin tone, such as darker complexion on the neck, but fairer on the face. While the rest just deal with pigmentation issues caused by sunburn. Generally, prolonged exposure to sun can make one’s skin go dark, dull and dry. Also, prolonged use of some chemical products can result in the same manner. We all know that that are numerous skin whitening creams available in the market these days- literally at every drug store and parlor you go to. You get these products at just about any budget. In fact, the tele is flooded with adverts that urge you try fancy products that have large claims. But, do not be fooled! 60% of the products that have tall claims are loaded with chemicals, and are sure to harm the skin in the long run. Now, I am not saying that all of the products are harmful, some may work and some may not. But it is best th...

What Do Scientists Actually Know About The Cause Of Breast Cancer?

Cancer grows when a cell’s DNA is damaged, but why or how that DNA becomes damaged is still unknown. It could be genetic or environmental, or in most cases, a combination of the two. But most patients will never know exactly what caused their cancer. However, there are certain established risk factors that are associated with breast cancer. Genetic Factors Gender:   Breast cancer occurs nearly 100 times more often in women than in men. Also See:  Symptoms Of Heartburn, Heart Attack And Its Remedies . Age:   Two out of three women with invasive cancer are diagnosed after age 55. Race :  Breast cancer is diagnosed more often in Caucasian women than women of other races. Family History and Genetic Factors:   If your mother, sister, father or child has been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer, you have a higher risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer in the future. Your risk increases if your relative was diagnosed before the age of 50.   P...

6 Types of Breast Cancer Treatment?

Aldo See:  10 Simple Ways to Deal With Painful Sex . Breast Cancer Treatment Breast cancer treatments  are getting better all the time, and people have many more options today than ever before. With so many choices, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can about the ones that can help you the most. No matter which ones you choose, all breast cancer treatments have two main goals: To rid the body of as much of the  cancer  as possible To prevent the disease from coming back Also See: What you should know about Emergency contraception pills How Do I Know Which Breast Cancer Treatment to Choose? Your doctor will think about a few things before she recommends a treatment for you: The type of  breast cancer  you have The size of your tumor and how far the  cancer  has spread in your body, called the stage of your disease If your tumor has things called "receptors" for  HER2  protein,  estrogen , and  progestero...

What you should know about Emergency contraception pills

Certain worries arise from being sexually active. Besides being infected by one of the several sexually transmitted diseases out there, people also worry about unwanted pregnancies. Emergency contraceptive pills can be taken after unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Often referred to as the morning after pill, it contains a type of progesterone that stops pregnancy by preventing fertilization. You can dramatically lower your chance of getting pregnant by using emergency contraception with 3 days of sex ( the sooner, the better).  Studies indicate you have only a 1% to 2% chance of getting pregnant if you take emergency contraception within 72 hours of sex. Taking emergency contraceptive is encouraged if you forgot to use protection, the condom broke or you used it incorrectly.  It is also essential for a woman who was raped to take emergency contraceptive pills besides getting treatment for STD exposure. Also See: 6 Ways To Lower Choles...

6 Ways To Lower Cholesterol

While cholesterol is an essential fat needed for many metabolic processes. Too much cholesterol in the blood can damage your arteries and lead to heart diseases. Our liver produces about three-quarter of the cholesterol in the body while the rest may come from the types of fats we eat.  This means cholesterol in our diet has a small effect on blood cholesterol. Making lifestyle changes, especially changing some of the foods you eat, is very important to help reduce cholesterol levels. Below are health tips for lowering cholesterol  Also See: Symptoms Of Heartburn, Heart Attack And Its Remedies . Lose weight Start by evaluating your eating habits and daily routine. While you don’t necessarily have to lose a lot of weight to significantly lower your cholesterol. Losing as little as 2.5kg can lower total cholesterol dramatically.  If you are not overweight, concentrate on maintaining a healthy weight. Make sustainable lifestyle changes like increasing...

Symptoms Of Heartburn, Heart Attack And Its Remedies

Most of us have experienced minor chest pain at one time or the other. People who have severe chest pain sometimes wonder if it's serious like a heart attack or something that would go away with time. Chest pain occurs in the upper body, from the jaw down to the ribs. Common probable causes of chest pain include panic disorders and heartburn; acid reflux. A heartburn can simply be cleared up with an antacid while a heart attack is a health emergency that can cost you your life. People having a heart attack usually have one or two symptoms that suddenly progress within 10 minutes ( this makes quickly identifying a heart attack very important). It is safe to consider heart attack if you have chest pain and other symptoms that are associated with having a heart attack.  While some symptoms of heartburn and heart attack might be similar, the outcomes differ.  Below are symptoms of heartburn and heart attack to help you make a safe choice Besides chest pain, heart atta...