Eat These If You Want Your Vagina To Taste Like Heaven

Ladies try these if you want your juices to smell and taste great.
You're welcome.

Disclaimer: If you're a lady that dislikes oral sex please this is not for you

Now let the "serious" children begin our lesson

The first on the list is Pineapples

Experts say it works because it's high in Vitamin C & B

Greek Yogurt or Just regular Yogurt

Yogurt is full of good bacteria that your vagina needs to function happily and it also helps balance the pH levels of the vagina.

Green Veggies

As much as possible try and eat more vegetables than meat. Too much meat makes you smell funny down there, so it's best you eat your greens more often.

P.S avoid Asparagus and Broccoli. 


Please don't rub honey on your vagina oo. And don't take excess of it either, because too much sugar can cause a bad smell. Just moderate quantities daily is fine.

Berries (Cranberries, Grapes, Strawberries...etc)

This one is based on hearsay, but it looks legit.


I did not say you should rub peppermint on it! Peppermint. Goes. Into. Your. Mouth.


Water keeps your membranes "lubricated" and your odors diluted. So it's best to eat stuff with high water concentration like watermelons.

Lastly ladies, you can't be eating foods with lots of garlic, pepper and onions everyday and expect that one slice of any of the above will get you the desired results!


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