Wife turns up at her own funeral and shocks husband who had paid hitmen to kill her

- Noela Rukundo's husband hired hitmen to kill her

- However, they spared her life

- She returned home and shocked her husband, who was later arrested

A woman in Melbourne, Australia, gave her husband the shock of his life when she turned up at her own funeral after he had hired hitmen to kill her.

Noela Rukundo. Photo: ABC News

Noela Rukundo, who is originally from Burundi, was in the east African country attending the funeral of her stepmother in 2015 when gunmen abducted her.

Her abductors told her that her own husband, Balenga Kalala, had paid them to end her life. However, they said they do not kill women and therefore spared her life.

Noela and Balenga at their wedding. Photo: ABC News

The gunmen even gave her a memory card that had phone call records of Balenga issuing his instructions.

They then lied to Balenga that they had done the job. Noela secretly returned to Melbourne. Balenga told the local community that she had passed away in a car accident in Burundi.

Community members were offering Balenga their condolences at his home when Noela made a dramatic entrance. In an interview, she said:

When I got out of the car, he saw me straight away. He put his hands on his head and said, 'Is it my eyes? Is it a ghost?'

Balenga sought forgiveness from Noela but she called the police. He was found guilty of incitement to murder and was sentenced to nine years in prison.


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