What is the most dangerous thing destroying relationships? Must Read

I found the perfect person for me! I found the one! I’ll be happy forever now!

All I have to do is bask in the glory of being with him and leave my happiness for the rest of my life up to him/her!

Also Read: 10 Tips for Happy Family Home.

I see this mistake often, and it KILLS relationships.

Believe me when I say this: the only person responsible for your happiness is YOU. You, and no one else. Not even if he’s/she’s the one, the most perfect person in existence, the only person you could ever love. Even THEN, you’re the only one who’s in charge of your happiness.

Also Read:13 Questions You Need To Ask Your Self Before You Starting A Relationship With This Ladies.

When you put someone else in charge of your happiness, it destroys your ability to feel happy without them, and it also destroys your relationship, as He/she crumbles under the weight of trying to keep you happy. Don’t make this mistake. Take charge of your own happiness in your relationship and just enjoy spending time with each other. That’s how you keep a relationship strong.

Also Read: Tips for people wanting to get married.

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