Tips for people wanting to get married

Here are some things I’ve learned so far about my  marriage:

Silent treatment will silently kill your marriage.
And that means if you ever get pissed of with each other for whatever reason, no matter how big or small, make every effort possible to make up with each other before you close your eyes to sleep. Ditch the ego, seriously. Go kiss your husband first and say sorry if that will solve things.

Go hug your wife and do something sweet for her out the blue. Take physical intimacy to your advantage when/if you have to. If it’s going to help you two to make up before you go to sleep, don’t hold back!

Related Post: Two Keys to a Successful Romantic Relationship.

Never bad mouth about your husband or wife to other people.
Me and hubs strictly follow this rule. Unless your husband or wife is physically/or mentally abusing you, keep your arguments/fights to yourselves. You know why? 9/10 times people who take sides for you and your husband, will only make things worse. Some of them do it unintentionally. But others, they’re like wolves in sheep’s skin.

Pray together. Pray for each other.
Me and hubs read the bible and pray together before we close our eyes to sleep, every night. Do you know what’s amazing? Sometimes we’d have this massive fight, as if we’re not going to talk to each other for days, and right when it’s time to pray, I’ll close my eyes and stretch out my hand, he will hold it and we’ll pray. And 10/10 times, I’ll wake up the next day with my face on his chest. The lord does miracles…I’m telling yo!

Make sacrifices for each other.
I try my best to avoid anything that will hurt his feelings or piss him off. He also does the same.

Some examples: Me not wearing short/revealing outfits. She blocking female friends that I don’t like.

You know why? Because this man deserves it. He deserves that respect/love.
And I guess he feels the same, but I know I can be really stupid sometimes.

We won’t and don’t make a big fuss out of these things. But in today’s society, if your boyfriend doesn’t like you wearing short skirts, he’s labelled as “controlling”…

Also Read: The Biggest Relationship Issues Couples Will Face And How To Tackle Them

And as for the girlfriends..they get called “over possessive” bla bla..

Don’t believe every flipping thing this society makes you believe about having a happy relationship with your spouse.

Accept the fact your marriage is not going to be full of roses/rainbows all the time.
But if you decide to stick with each other through the dark clouds, rainy days, and thorns, you will be able to enjoy the rainbows/roses.

“You’re not the same anymore…”
Bull shit. Of course you’re not going to be the same. You’re not going to be girlfriend/boyfriend anymore. You’re going to be husband/wife. And trust me, that’s different. You’re life partners. Soul mates.
Life can get busy, things can go wrong, children can consume your time…work stress, and so on.

But instead of building hatred towards your spouse and envying other people’s marriages, think about what you can do differently to spice things up for you and your husband or wife.

Think about how you can make your husband happy after a long day at work..


Think about how you can make your wife feel beautiful about her appearance after she’s given birth…because we all know most women stress about these things.

An hour after a huge fight…
I will still bug her to eat and won’t eat until he does.

He will not think twice to bring a plate of food to the bed, with an angry face, and tell me to eat.
Our fights/arguments don’t get in the way of us caring for each other and doing what we must.
Practice it. It will help build a healthy and strong marriage life.

Must Read: Five Things You Needs To Do When You First Met A Lady Who You Love.

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