Some Galaxy Note 8 will not charge after the battery reaches 0%

After the problems with Note 7 last year, Samsung needed something that would cleanse its image and decided to use the Galaxy Note 8 this year for that very reason. The smartphone featured a less than 3300mAh battery and the same old Adaptive Fast Charging technology as previous generations. It really looked like Samsung was playing on the safe side to avoid any unforeseen problems. So far it seems to have worked. There was no generalized report of Note 8 that spontaneously set itself on fire, although some users are reporting a strange problem with the device.

Users have reported their experience on Samsung's community forums, even uploading a video on YouTube to show exactly what the problem is. It seems that only happens when the battery of the device is completely discharged. Once the 0% mark is reached, the device no longer accepts a charge and can not be switched on, no matter how long it leaves to charge.

Samsung seems to be accepting returns depending on the case, offering some Note 8 refurbished or new units. There is still no official information from Samsung about the issue, clarifying whether a simple software update can prevent this from happening with more devices. Thus, it is not yet clear how many devices are affected by this bug.

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