How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter 3

When we want to embark on a venture, most times, we don't take enough times to assess all our resources. What we do is talk about what we don't have and exaggerate our areas of weakness and lack. If you took time out to properly assess your resources, you will discover to your astonishment that you actually posses far more resources than you thought you did. What you ought to do is ask yourself this question, What do I presently have in my life that I can creatively use to move into the next level if my life?

What do you have in your life that is an asset to you and your dream? What do you posses in your life that can be leveraged to accelerate your success and progressive in life?

READ: How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter One.

We all are gifted in one unique way or another. God endowed us with some talents and abilities. These talents are within us. Whether we believe they exist or not is of no consequence, they are within us waiting to be deployed to produce the kind of results we desire to see in our lives.
The Bible says in proverbs 18:16 that your gift  Will make room for you and bring you before great men and women. What this means is that your life's work and achievement are inextricably connected to the gift and ability within you. To ignore this fact is the o condemn yourself to a life of unproductive struggle and mediocrity. Most people who struggle financially thought life are under utilising their inner resources. One of the ways to know your inner resources or not is the  financial reward you have to show for it.

Struggle without commensurable financial compensation or run ward is not an indication of an existing curse on one's life as it is erroneously and popularly believed; it is just an indication of gross mismanagement of one's talents and inner resources.

Our religious conditioning sometimes sets the ground for us to abdicate all responsibility for our personal failures and blame them on some external, unseen force. But the truth is that there is no spiritual force potent enough to hinder or stop your progress in life unless you collaborate with or assist it. If you don't give away your personal ultimately discover that your external enemies are nothing compared to your internal enemy.
Someone said I've discovered the enemy and it is me. You are the major cause of your stagnation or slow progress in life. Your greatest enemy is not aunties, siblings and other distant relatives. Your greatest enemy is you. No one can stop you unless you want to be stopped.

In Matthew 25:14-30, we read about the parable of talents. Three men were given talents to trade with. A talent in this parable was the local currency at that time in  history. Two of these men successful engaged themselves in deploying their talents and they made good profits with which their master was pleased. Their master publicly commended and rewarded them for their efforts.

But one man refused to display his talent and he was reprimanded. In fact his master called him wicked and lazy. His wickedness was primarily refused to deploy his talents, this man condemned himself and had s dependants to a life of struggle, shame and penury

The talent was freely given to him by his master. He had the right and liberty to employ it in the best possible way he knew to generate profits, but he did nothing productive with he was given, rather he buried it. May I also add that this man probably despised the gift he was given by his master. He might have compared his one gift to the multi gifts of the first and the second servants and in doing so limited himself.

Some of us desire to be what we are not gifted to be. Not everyone can be a singer, q brain surgeon, an inventor, a rocket scientist of a software designer. We all are uniquely and differently gifted and wired. But there are so many things you can achieve with the gifts and life God has blessed you with. Comparison will ultimately result in self loathing and it will hold your life. God never measures us against others. Rather, he measures us against what we can possibly be if we diligently apply ourselves and assert our gifts in the world's market place.

READ: How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter Two.
Whose fault was it that this servant failed and was poor? Whose fault was it that his talents were not creatively deployed? Whose fault was it that was condemned to a little of struggle, penury and shame? Whose fault was it that he wasn't financially rewarded like the others were? It was entirely his fault. His master said he was lazy. He didn't accuse an external force for holding him down, he said it was his laziness that tied him down to a life of lack. He didn't blame evil forces for his predicament. He blamed him.

People who failed usually blame others for the failures and are also quick to attribute the success if superior or performance to either luck or dishonesty.
If luck was responsible for the success of superior performers, why don't we just look for the source of this elusive luck and apply it to our lives? The truth is that there is no such thing as luck. You make your own luck. You created a luck charged atmosphere in your life by the application of universal principles if achievement like diligence, faith, vision, persistence, courage, goal setting and planning. You attract luck by the person you become.

What about the other men who creatively deployed their talents and were rewarded by their master, were they better than him mentally, emotionally or spiritually? Perhaps they had connections which this man had no access to maybe they had God father's who gave them opportunities this man didn't have? Did they live in a social environment that wasn't harsh and difficult to thrive in? Were any of these responsible for their success? Of course not!

These men succeed because they utilised their talents. Period. They deployed their talents in the world's market place and made a way for themselves. Had they started, they would most probably have become old, waiting. Help most comes to us most times, after we make an attempt to step out in the direction of our dreams.

This world will stand aside and let you pass if it sees that you know that you want, you know where you are going and you are confident about it. Confident and focused people who know what they want get ahead in this world. The double minded and the timid are sidelined or stagnated because they forever wait for some future supernatural occurrence, which will transform their situation for the better, but it never happens.
You will succeed if you simply follow the example of successful people. Do something with what you have.

If you have been involved in a job or business where your gifts are not creatively  employed, you have been cutting yourself short and hindering your own success in life. There are people who are involved in professions in which they have no talent for or interest in. They under price, under sell themselves and settle for less when they could have demanded for more life by asserting themselves.

If you've found yourself at that cross road of life where you need to make a change, ask yourself some questions.
What ate my gifts and talents?
Have I been actively employing them in my life's work up till this moment?
Which of these talents have created the most success for me in the past?
What do my friends and people around me say I'm good at?
What are my most enjoyable hobbies that I could concert into a business?
What creative endeavour was I involved in but dropped by the wayside because I was discouraged, impatient or immature?
In what ways have I undersold my talents and how can I reverse that trend now?
How can I achieve a better and more profitable combination of my gifts and talents right now to create a more successful life?

What other resources do you possess? These resources include your degrees, work experience, achievements, relationships and possessions. In any difficult situated you find yourself in life, there is always something or someone you have in your life that can help you  solve that problems. This is  how God works.

Do you learn anything  at all? In case you having any questions concerning how to start a business in Nigeria, kindly let us know by your comment or using contact us section. Our expert are online waiting for your inquiries.
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