How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter 1

Charles was once an employee of a financial institution until a restructuring program led to a lay-off which found him back on the job line. He searched for a well paying job but wasn't interested in the openings he found. On on of his job hunts at bank, he ran into Susan, an old school mate. She came into cash a check while he came in search of a job opening. This serendipitous meeting changed his life for ever. Susan told him how she had also searched for a nonexistent job in a saturated financial industry until she decided to do something different with her life.
She had a dream to own a fast food business like the successful Mr Biggs chain of restaurants, so she went about trying to raise the capital to start it. After several frustrating experiences and numerous broken promises, she discovered that it was tough for an unemployed lady to secure a businesses loan. One of her concerned uncles advised her to start her businesses on a small scale. He encouraged her to produce snacks and hires sales people to hawk them on bicycles. At first she was offended that her uncle could eben suggest such an idea to her, a graduate of Economics, but after careful thought and prayer, she decided to give it a try.

With the last portion of her savings from a part-time job, she launched her own ‘fast food business’. She registered a business name at the corporate affairs commission, bought some locally fabricated equipment, some raw materials and began to produce snacks on a small scale. She later hired two young men  to hawk the snacks on bicycles  according to what his uncle to her to do around her neighborhood and beyond. Withing a year, she had over ten staff working with her. This all happened about two years ago. Since then she had grown her business into a multi-million small-scale enterprise.

She told charles that she was presently discussing with investors who want to partner with her in a nation wide enterprise to produce snacks. Susan ended the conversation, “Charles, I launched out with the little savings I had and look at where I am today”. She gave him her complimentary card and they parted. At that point, Charles, abandoned his job hunt for the day. He went back to his apartment and thought about what Susan had discussed with him. After careful thought, he decided to launch an idea he had thinking about for a while: a day care centre.

My brothers and my sisters reading this  article, there is a dream in your heart that wants to be birthed. There is passionate zeal for an idea stirring you up on the inside. You are agitated and restless; you want to see its manifestation. Every great achiever who walks the earth has a dream.
Bill gates had a dream to design a software as an operating platform for every computer on the planet to use. I am using his software to present this article to you. He has made life easy for billions of people in the planet.

Oprah Winfrey had a dream to own a syndicated program that will be broadcast on over 100 stations worldwide and today, when you turn on your TV, there she is on Mnet. There are many others great people like that.

Your idea may be to start a business and become as big as wall mart who starred his business in a store and grew to become the largest retailers in the U.S today. It may be to invent a useful tool or gadget, write a software program, launch a magazine, write life-transforming books or become a world class intellectual icon like wole Soyinka, Nigeria Nobel prize winner.

You may have a dream to write an international, evergreen, money spinnning bestseller like chinua Achebe's Things fall apart, write poetry that will move nation like Maya Angelou, become a movie director i me Mel Gibson, or act like denzel Washington, the academy  award winner.

What Happens If You Don't Start?
Life remains as it is until you do something. Many people hope, pray and believe for change in their lives without understanding the laws that govern change. For years,  they anticipate and believe for wonderful things to happen to their finances, business, and family, but nothing significant happens. The law of nature states that every object remains at rest until an external force is applied on it. No matter how sincere we are, we cannot contravene the laws of nature. Nothing is going to happen in your life until you do something different from what you have done in the past.

Until you start, your dreams will remain elusive. No matter how intense your desire is, you must start if you want to make a difference in your life. Life only recognises and responds to those who start, those who are hold enough to step out and attempt something with their ideas and dreams.

Do you know how many ideas and dreams die daily and are buried because people tell themselves that they aren't good enough, educated, connected enough, smart enough or experienced enough to launch out with an idea?
Do you know how many destinies becomes still born because some people build a negative case against themselves? They look at themselves and cook up all the reasons why they can't do something positive about their dreams and ideas. They live unfulfilled lives because they refuse to dare.

No matter how much you've presently accomplished with your life, you will amazed at what you can still so with your innate talents and abilities. Your potential will amaze you. No matter how much you've already accomplished, there is still much more to  achieve, more to reach out for, more people to influence, more lives to touch. There is always more to do with the life God gave you. There are more products to create, more invent, new services to provide; there is always more to do with the life God gave you.

If you study the lives of the most successful people on the planet, you will discover that they never rest on their laurels. They are possessed by a positively restless spirit. They are always on the move to do more with their lives. You may reasons that a man like Bill Gates with all his wealth should have stopped creating new products or services, but he keeps starting, sustaining and winning in every new and competitive markets. Having money does not satisfy the craving of the had human spirit to accomplished. The moment you stop starting, sustaining and winning with your ideas, atrophy set in and you will begin to deteriorate on the inside. You will be unfulfilled, unhappy. Until you breathe your last, your life must count for something greater then your past. You must birth the ideas and dreams God has deposited in your spirit to influence your generation.

Personal Responsibility.
We choose what we are. We decide who we become. No one is responsible for how your life turns out. No one determines how much of planer earth's abundance you enjoy. It is all about what you personally choose to do with your life.

Personal responsibility is the starting point for transforming your life. You can have more, become more, influence more, bless more people and do more with your life. It all begins with taking personal responsibility for your life. You might have grown up in poverty, but you can become rich like millions of others who pulled themselves up by their own determination to excel in life.

It is your responsibility to keep your dreams alive. You must do all it takes to make sure the idea and dream in your heart becomes a reality. The dream God has given you can only come alive when you act on it. Do something about that dream today or live to regret it in future.

Opportunity gravitates towards those who start. Many people do nothing, pray and anxiously await opportunity to come their way in life not realizing that opportunity comes to those who use what they have from where they are.

John wicker said “Opportunity multiply as they are seized” When you do something with the opportunity you have, you open a window of greater opportunity to aid you in the realisation of your dreams. Human help and assistance gravitates in the direction of people who are creatively using the little they have in their lives to produce the much that need. Miracle cab only occur when we creatively apply ourselves to the demand life places on us to start with what we have from where we are.

In case you having inquiries concerning how to start a lucrative business in Nigeria, kindly let us know by your comment or using contact us section. Our expert are online waiting for your inquiries.
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