How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter 2

Before we take a look at some principles that will enhance our ability to start and win with our ideas in life, we need to take stock of our current position in life.

Where are you in your life's journey? Many people don't know where they exactly. They assume that they ate where they are not and they have what they don't possess. Knowing where you are will help you put your life's journey in prosper perspective.

Your current position tells you what you have with you. If you think you are on a particular level of life which you are not, you will assume that you possess or have access to certain resources which you don't have and you will be living a lie it is self deception to tell yourself that you have a buoyant bank account when you are in serious debt. Some people call this faith confession. Denying your present reality will never put you in a position to the way to create a future different from your past or present is to have a clear picture of where you are standing in life. If you cannot describe where you are in life in every plain terms, you are living in deception. A man who is tethering dangerously at the edge of a cliff but tries to convince himself that he is in a secure position is about to plunge to his demise in the valley below.

Learn to accurately describe where you are without missing out on any details. For instance, you can say that “Mr name is Alisha Samuels. I am 28 years old and single. I am a middle Kevel manager at Kantenko international. I earn about one million two hundred thousands (1, 200,000) per annual in total salary package. I have three hundred thousands (300,000) invested in shares. I am engaged to an enterprising young man and we plan to get married in he next seven months

Be as specific as as possible. Learn to include as many details as you can in the description of your present reality.

Where you are is just a point in time and space. You can always move on, become more and have more. Describing where you are does not indicate that you lack faith in God, what it means is that you are taking stock of your life. Those who don't know where they are in life can never become better than they are.

Knowing where you are financially for instance, will give you an accurate level of your financial intelligence. If where you are financially, you can reflection of your financial intelligence, you can decide to throw your financial theories into a trash can (if you are often broke) or become more consistent with your application of these Principles, if you are on your way to financial freedom.

There is no luck in life. All lucky people  make their own luck. If you want to be as lucky as they are financially, they find out what you they do on a daily basis and model them. As you continue to discover that you produce similar financial results in your own life. People will soon begin to refer to you as lucky.

The day a financially challenged person tells himself that his is completely broke, that is when he will begin to look for ways to remedy his situation. But the more he lies to himself, the deeper he descents into poverty and misery.

Where you are in life is a reflection of the quality of people you've surrounded yourself with. Your friends influence you in more ways than you realise. Our lives most times mirror the lives of our closest friends and confidants. Without having a written agreement with any of your friends to live the way they do, you will discover that one day, you all are headed in the same direction. It is the law of association at work.

The Bible says in proverbs 13:20, that he who walks with wise men becomes wise, but a companion of fools is depraved. If you want to have a future different from your past, you must be willing to change some of your friends, if you are obstinately attached to them, you will inevitably imprison yourself in the kind of life you are presently experiencing. If this is what you desire for yourself, good for you.

But if you want more from life, then be ready to reposition some of your relationships and build new and more strategic ones. Your future is a product of the people you choose to move with. Building a strategic relationship is your choice. Don't allow anyone to force an unwanted friendship or relationship down your throat. Be proactive in building your relationships.
Look out for the kind of people you want to be in your circle of influence. Make a move to know them. Mike Murdock says the proof of desire is pursuit. What  you are not willing to pursuit, you don't respect. And what you don't respect, you will never attract.
If you want quality people in your life, you should do all it takes to invest your time to connect with them. I am not talking about trying to manipulate people and use them for your own selfish purpose. Look for like minded people in whom you can invest your life and who can do the same for you. One of the spiritual prerequisites for success is to invest your resources in the lives of your closest friends without demanding for anything in return. By doing this, you automatically set in motion the law of solving and reaping. In the process of time, you will reap the rewards of the  seeds of love you've sown into the lives of your friends. Good things don't happen to us by chance, we make them happen.

Where you are in life shows you if your beliefs are helping you succeed or limiting you from becoming the very possible best you can be. If your beliefs have been empowering you to achieve your goals, then you are on the right path. But if your beliefs have constituted an obstacle to your progress in life, then you need to change then. Many of us hold on to limiting beliefs and never question them because they are beliefs that are generally accepted by our group of friends and associates.

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Many of us subscribe to beliefs presented to us by our leaders in the circular and spiritual arenas without taking time to question their veracity. We tell ourselves that these beliefs must be true because of the caliber of people that propound them. But what I have come to discover is that the status of a person does not necessarily mean he or she knows what they are talking about. They may be wrong about some of these beliefs and even they themselves need some tutoring.

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You must learn to question those beliefs which are disempowering and constitute an obstacle to the realisation of your ideas and dreams. In some organisations, asking your leaders questions is considered rebellion of some sort so, most people follow blindly without question. Even when they fell that there is something wrong with a certain beliefs system, they are scared to question it because  they may be called rebels.

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But since the Guyana tragedy when Jim jones, a sel-proclaimed prophet led over 800 men and  women to their untimely deaths in a name of religion, more people tend to question popularity accepted beliefs. These man and women entrusted their lives to the hands of a lunatic and they did not bother to question his beliefs and it ultimately cost then their lives.

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There were several signs pointing to the possibility that Mr. Jim Jones was out of his mind and that his organisation was cult. He called himself God and ostracised himself form other religious organisations. He moved his whole congregation to island of Guyana, isolated them and his word became law. He could not be questioned nor disagreed with. Anyone who questioned his orders was severely chastised. In spite of this signs, many people were still mesmerised and led to their deaths because they refused to question his beliefs. They probably believed he was an authority figure and he knew what he was talking about.

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Here is the point: there are many beliefs you hold unto tenaciously without question because they originate from an authority figure whom you revere. These beliefs may be leading you in the direction of failure, pain and miserly, but if you want to succeed in life, you must have an open mind and be ready to ask questions. Asking questions can save your life. I make it a regular habit to  question my beliefs, but I known exactly what I am doing with my life. I am responsible for my life and i always want to be sure that what i believe is empowering and ultimately going to help me actualise my ideas and dreams.

When you can pinpoint your actual location in your life's journey, then you will be able to take accurate stock of your current resources. A woman living in a one room apartment shouldn't tell herself that she is prosperous. Her feverish praying doesn't change the reality of her situation. Her confessions will not magically transform that one room apartment into mansion. She may be rich emotionally, spiritually and mentally, but the reality of her situation is that she is poor.

Take stock of your resources. When you do, you will realise that there are some resources you are not making use of. Make a list. Include your talents, educational qualifications, friends connections, expertise, experience and skill. Also include your financial and material possessions like stocks, bonds, landed property, houses and  other property that can be sold and converted into cash. Now read this list; it is the description of where you are presently in life. It may not be palatable, but it is the truth. If you can look at the truth in the eyes and accept it, you are halfway to overcoming the situation.

Where you are is not where you wish to be. Your wishes are not your reality. You may wish that you are.millionaire living on your own island but that doesn't mean you are one. Fantasy cannot change your reality. What will change it is action. You can take positive action only after you've taken a firm grip on your present reality.

After knowing exactly where you are, you can now write a comprehensive list of where you want to be in life. What kind of job do you want? Where do you want to live? What does your dream home look like? What kind of business do you want to run? How much do you want to earn per annum? Where do you want to spend your holidays? What kinds of cars do you want to ride? How much do you want to earn after your retirement? Be as specific as possible.

Change always Begins from within. What you see in your mind's eye will soon become your reality. The formula for change is be, do, have. You must first experience internal change by the transformation of your mind. When we open our minds to new concepts, we expand our possibilities. With a new frame of reference, we are able to dare for more than we did in the past. So the first step to transformation is opening our minds to receive new concepts. Jim Rohn   said “Success is attracted to you by the person you become.”

New concepts can be found in books, tapes, CDs and magazines. The more you read, the more you lean. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the easier it becomes for you to manage your life and resources better than you did in the past. Myles Munroe, diplomat, author and speaker said success is the product of managing your inner and external resources intelligently.  When we begin to act strategically with purpose, we will accomplish more with our lives than we did in the past.

Do you learn anything  at all? In case you having any questions concerning how to start a business in Nigeria, kindly let us know by your comment or using contact us section. Our expert are online waiting for your inquiries.

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