8 Clues To Boom Your Business From One Staff To 10 Staffs In Just 5 Months

How Do You Start You obviously want to accomplished more with the life God gave you that is why you are reading this article. There is a principle of achievement which can be applied to any area of endeavor in life. Those who have succeeded in the past have left us clues as to how they succeeded. You can intelligently follow their clues and crest the same level of success in your life. Looking for some difficult, complicated and mind blowing process to success is a waste of your time. The earlier the principle, the quicker your success will appear. If you want to succeed, you must start. Here are some clues successful people have left us about how to start and launch your ideas or dreams. 1. START SMALL Little acorns grow into big oak's. The principle of life is that if you must succeed, you must start small. Every achiever knows that success comes in little seeds, therefore they look for the smallest possible way to start and launch their ideas or dreams. Failures on the other hand look for the most complicated means of launching their ideas or dreams and never get it off the ground. What most people find challenging is know to break down their dreams into small workable plans that can be tackled one small bit at a time. If you try to handle your dreams all at once, it may seem so overwhelming and that is the reason many people give up. The secret to successfully execute your dreams or launch your ideas is to start as small as you possibly can. Starting small is relative depending on the kind of business you are engaged in. There are some businesses you cannot afford yo start too small if you want to succeed. Let me explain. If you want to start a restaurant, you cannot start with two tables and a chair in an obscure area of town where no one will be able to see and patronise you. You must pay for a good location, and equipment, beautiful interior decor and hire some staff. To start small, you may need to get some other interior involved or else your restaurant may not be recognised as a quality place to dine. Your restaurant may not be big, but it should be a cozy place for people to eat. That is starting small. When you succeed at your small stage, you can then source for financing to expand your business. If you don't have the finance to launch out with your main idea immediately, you can start a business from which you will generate the requited capital to launch your main business. The simplest way to raise capital us to buy and sell. Look for a valuable product to sell. The reason some people fail in business is because they listen to wrong counsel and start from the top, instead of working their way from the bottom up. The only thing you start from the top is a grave, if you start from the top, you may be overwhelmed by the demands, stress and the level of commitment required to stay at the top. You don't have the necessary experience, skill, staff or know how to scale through the hurdles you face. In a little while, those challenges will bug you down emotionally, mentally and spiritually and you may eventually give up on the whole project.

Starting from the top is the pathway to mediocrity or outright failure. It is true that failure is one of the prerequisites for success but you don't deliberately set yourself up to fail by taking on what your emotional, mental or spiritual muscles are not developed enough to carry. READ: How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter 3. A young man was out of work. Someone suggested a new line of business to him and gave him some leads. He immediately began his business with a telephone in his living room. He made all the international calls in his apartment until business started coming in. Today he has a very beautiful office in a highbrow area of Lagos. If he had waited for the perfect office space, he would probably still be looking for money to start his own business. Dr. David Oyedepo, chancellor of covenant university of Nigeria said he started small. When he began his ministry, the international headquarters of his ministry was a table tennis board! He arranged some chairs around the tennis board and there with his staff, held strategic meetings from morning  until evening when he had to quit the board for the prayers who used it regularly in the evening time. But today, the ministry has built an international headquarters, it has the  largest church auditorium in the world and a university sitting on hundred of acres of land. If he wasn't willing to start small, he wouldn't be where he is today. THE BENEFITS OF STARTING A  SMALL BUSINESS ARE LISTED BELOW; LOW START UP COST: Starting small will save you the usual high cosy of setting up a business. It is the high cost of starting a business that scarce most people from trying in the first place. If you start small, you save a lot of investment capital which you can use to support your business until it stars making profit. If you are trying out on your own, starting small means that you don't have to rent a very expensive office space to begin your business. You cab start from your home and build up your business capital until you can afford or raise the money to rent an office space. Unless your product is office space, you don't need to have one to begin with. People are interested in what you can offer them, not how fanciful your office looks like at the onset. They are interested in your business performance, your ability to add value and deliver on your promise. MISTAKES When you start small, your mistakes will be small. If you start big, your mistakes will be very big and costly to you. No matter how perfect you are in what you do, when starting a business, you are bound to make several mistakes. If these mistakes are hug, they may discourage you and cause you to give up on your business. If you take on hug challenges when you start out, they may just overwhelm you because you lack the financial, mental and emotional resources to deal with them. When you start small, you make small mistakes which are easier to correct or rectify. When you are small, your mistakes are usually in hundreds or a couple of thousands but if you start big, you will make mistakes worth tens of thousands or even more. If you make mistakes when your customers are about ten or twenty, you can easily correct it, but when you have hundreds of customers, every mistakes will automatically reflect on your bottom line. STAFF Starting small will also enable you to carefully and progressively recruit quality staff. Quality staff are hard to come by. If you start out hiring so many people to help you with your business or enterprise, you may hire the wrong people. It is better to start out with one or two people, train them and assess their performance on the job. LEADERSHIP SKILLS Starting small will enable you develop your leadership skills. The success of your enterprise or business depends on the quality of your leaderships. If your staff make mistakes, you will be able to handle just two people instead of having ten dissatisfied employees on your hands. Unless you've developed your leaderships skills in your former place if employment, you may not be able to read the signals of employee dissatisfaction. But if you've Learned to relate and communicate successfully with your first employee, you can now apply your skill to other employees you will be hiring in future. One things you must realise is that your employees will make or break you so, hire  smart. Go for quality and not just quantity. Remember that if you pay peanuts, you will have monkeys for staff. Pay well and treat your employees with respect. SUCCESS When you start small, you are able to handle your success as it grows. If you succeed too fast, it may eventually hurt your business. Success if it comes too fast, can be detrimental to your business health. Overnight business success is not something you should pray for. If you don't have a structure in a place to manage your success, it may result in failure. You should build your capacity to handle success before you achieve it or it may just overwhelm you. Am I saying that you shouldn't believe God to prosper your business? By all means you should but you should believe for success that you can handle. For instance, you open a restaurant and withing a few weeks you become successful beyond your expectations. Your tables are fully booked, many prospective customers come in only to find out that there are no table for them. This success scenario nay play out in two ways. First, your potential customers may  return to book a table because of your reputation for providing mouth watering dishes. Secondly, your potential customer may just go and have launch across the road and forget about you. Unless you offer a very unique cuisine, your potential customers may not return and that us not good for your business. What you should do is strategically grow your clientele until the the restaurant becomes fully booked. This way, you prepare for success which you can handle. The secret of a successful business is return customers. You should do everything possible to ensure repeat patronage by your customers.

 READ:  How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter 2  2. START NOW Procrastination is the assassin of opportunities waiting for the perfect time to start and launch your ideas or dreams has been the undoing of many people. Someone said the best time to plant an iroko tree was 25 years ago, years ago, the still waiting for tomorrow to come, you may end up never doing meaningful with your life. The reason many people struggle financially is because they refuse to do anything right now to savage their financial situation. They wait for the perfect time to invest in shares, landed property or other lucrative opportunities. What they don't realize is that the more they delay starting, the more difficult it becomes for them to become financially independent. Some people want to write a book they keep waiting for the perfect day when they will have the time or be in the mood of write. But the truth of the matter is that if you want to write a book, you must create the time to write. We created time for what we love. We must understand that there is no perfect time to start or launch your idea or dream. If you look around you long enough, you will catalog enough reasons why you should defer the launch  of your dream till tomorrow. But that tomorrow never comes. Today us the tomorrow we talked about yesterday, but what have we done about our dreams and ideas? To start now means that you should write out your idea. Bring out the blueprints for your business and work on you strategy to raise funds, hire people and sell your product in the market place. To start now means to set aside at least an hour a day to work out the details of your intended business or idea. As you work on it, your dream or idea will take on a life of its own. It will come alive and begin to move you in the  direction of its realization. If you desire financial freedom, to start now means you should secure the services if an experienced financial advisor or look broker and invest in share you can afford. The secret of financial success is to form the positive habits of financial success is to form the positive habits of saving and investing. These habits will program you to always be on the lookout for viable opportunities to invest. Your positive habits will train you to see and take advantage of financial opportunities that millions of people pass by daily. If you start now, you will hasten your financial freedom. 3. START WITH VISION Every great achievement began with a vision in someone's heart. To succeed in life you must have a clear vision if what you intend to accomplish. A vision is the picture of the end result you want to produce. It is what you want to achieve, a clear road map of where you are headed in life. Nothing significant never happens without a vision. Many people are dabbling in life because they have no clarity of direction. They dabble into whatever comes their way as long as it holds a promise of finance reward. But you must understand that a vision in your heart us more powerful than money. Vision is what secures and guarantees your financial destiny. Being financially destitute us not as bad as being vision  destitute. A person who lacks direction in a life will end up a failure no matter how much money he may start his life with. Money in itself does not guarantee success. What guarantees success is a clear vision backed by plans and consistent action. Vision is received through prayer, meditation and silence. Write down your vision where you can read it daily until it becomes an integral part of you. When you clarity, you will move confidently toward your destiny. READ: How To Start A Business And Win With Your Ideas And Dreams Chapter 2. 4. START WITH A PLAN To actualise the dream in your heart, you must break it down into little portions then develop a plan to carry them out. Without a plan, your dream will never become a reality. Planning brings order into your life, you will jeep on on going in circles and accomplishing little or nothing. At the planning stage, you consider the cost of your intended project. In Luke 14:28, the Bible say for which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost whether he has sufficient to finish it?. You must sit down and carefully map out a strategy to bring your idea or dream to life. Maps out all the necessary steps to take before your dreams becomes reality. If you win on paper, it is possible that you will win in reality, but if you cannot think through on paper and solve all your potential problems and changes, you will not succeed in the pursuit of your dream. At the planning stage, you will discover your possibilities and challenges. This is when the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and potential threats to your idea or dream will arise. This is what is referred to as the swot analysis of your idea. The more through you are with this analysis, the easier it is for you to excuse it. If you don't deal with your problems during the planning stage, they will become stumbling blocks when you begin the execution of your plan. To succeed, you should have at least two backup plans in case the first one encounters some unforeseen problems in future. Having plans A, B, C and D is not a sign of fear or lack of faith, it is a sign that you have thought through your plan and considered every possible things that could go wrong in its execution. You have factored in the unknown and proffered solutions to them before they ever arise. Every conceivable scenario  to them. People who begin and pack up did not think through on their opportunities and challenges. In fact, you should created challenges in your mind and come up with solution to them so that you are never scared of unforeseen problems. Before going into any business, ask this question, what is the worst thing that could possibly happen? This question prepares you for any eventualities or unforeseen contingencies. When you answer this question, you prepare yourself to meet whatever change arises in the course of pursuing your dream or idea. I sold a books for several years before I started writing my own books. Before I invested in any opportunity, I always asked myself, what is the worst thing that could possibly happen if I don't sell these books? Books are imperishable so the worst case scenario, if I didn't sell my stock immediately, was keep them until I had the right clients to sell them to. I reasoned that I had enough backup capital to sustain myself and business until I sold those books, so I usually went ahead to invest in every interesting books. I always ended up selling those books. If you want to succeed in your business, you must learn to ask and answer this crucial question. During this planning stage, you should write down your goals. A goal is a dream with a deadline. If your goal doesn't have a time frame within which you must achieve it, then it is merely a wish and nothing more. Write down measurable, realistic, achievable and believable goals. You should have short term, medium term and long term goals. Do something positive about your goals daily keep updating your goals. As you accomplish those on your list, set new and more exciting goals to pursuit. 5. START WITH PRAYER When you begin any venture or enterprise with prayers, you tap into the infinite wisdom of God. With prayer, you invite divinity to partner with you in your venture or project. Prayer is revealing. It opens your spiritual eyes to some issues you may not have considered while planning your venture. Because you've tapped into the all knowing mind of God, prayer brings to light some details that may jeopardize or help the success of your enterprise. It is in the place of prayer that you receive strength, wisdom and direction from God. Knowing what to do is a major step to success and it is in the place of prayer that you discover it. Prayer helps you generate new ideas. As you pray, your mind is also active, tapping deeper into the mind of God and connecting you to superior ideas that will succeed when implemented. Quality ideas give you leverage in life. Successful people cherish quality ideas because they know how difficult it is to generate a good one. Ideas are superior to money because they created money. People with ideas rule in the world's market place. These are the people who are always searching for new ways to bring value to the market place. If what you are about to start will hurt you financially or relationally, you will be able to discern it in the place of prayer. People who don't pray limit themselves to what they can see or hear with their natural senses. When praying, you can receive a revelation of future events and how to prepare for them. You can be given divine strategies about how to avoid financial disasters or how to take advantage of opportunities in your business or project. Prayer magnetise the necessary people, tools resources and favour you require to set your dream in motion. You may not understand how it works, but when you pray, the whole universe responds to your requests. People you don't know will step out of the woodwork and render you assistance in one form or another. You receive favour form unexpected sources. Prayer builds a shield of supernatural protection around you and your family. When you pray, negative forces are held at bay and restrained from limiting you in any way. To be effective, prayer must be regular, focused, scripture base and how impassioned with faith. 6. START WITH DILIGENCE A very successful business man was celebrating his 70th birthday. Everyone knew how he rose up from extreme poverty to wealth in spite of the fact that he only had six years of formal education. He was well known for his words of wisdom which he had gathered many years of business experience. After the event, a young entrepreneur waiting to extract some words of wisdom from him, walked up and asked him sir, what is the secret of your success in life and business? The man looked at him and said I have asked myself that same question several times but i keep coming up with the same answer. Son, there is really no secret to it. From the time I was 12 years old until now, I have worked hard at everything i did. The more i committed myself to my enterprise, the more i knew what to do. The simple secret was that I kept at it and that is why I am successful today. If you want to succeed, do the same. Keep at it. Hard work never killed anyone. In fact, indolence is one of the major causes of frustration and psychosomatic illnesses. One of the ways to keep yourself healthy is to have a job or go to a place where you engage in some constructive work daily. That regular, daily, constructive activity will keep your mind, body and soul healthy. There is no substitute for hard work.. The greatest help you will ever have is at the end of your own arm: your hands. No matter how technology advances, hard work I s still a major prerequisite for success. If you want to see your dream become a reality, you must be  willing to work had at it. No one will do that for you unless of course, they are well paid to do it No matter how smart you are, if you do the work on your dream, it will remained. Unborn. Many people have problems putting their hands where their business or enterprise will become in future but they don't put action behind their words. Words without action will only end in frustration. Words without paralyse your initiative. Words without action kill great dreams. Words without action create hobos and derelict s that home reliable to family and society. I am sure you know some people who are forever preparing to lives their lives. They tell you what they will do when such is in place, when this or that happens but they never get around to it. They are very good at convincing their friends why they've not started their intended project ten years down the line. All their excuse are rational in their own thinking. Talking about the idea becomes their major project in life rather than pursuing its actualisation. Such people ate rich in words buy poor in action. Proverbs 6:6-11 says we should observe the ants and learn a lesson from their diligence. Read it for yourself. Poverty and failure are product of laziness, indecision  and inaction. Success on the other hand I'd only guaranteed by working out an intelligent, well though out plan. You can break out of the habit of dragging your feet by setting small, non threatening goals for yourself. When you form the habit of tackling little goals, it becomes easy for you to handle bigger goals. Another way to build the habit of diligent people. The more you hang around them, the easier it becomes for you to model them and produce the kind of excellent results they produce in their work. 7. START WITH FOCUS A wise man once said the difference between successful people and failures is focus. Successful people make up their minds to pursue a course of action and they do all in their power to say focused on their goal until it is accomplished. They refuse to give excuses for failure. Mike Murdock said that broken focus is the primary reason people fail in life and business. To succeed at your enterprise, you must begin with a clear, strong focus. You must also hold on to it tenaciously. The difference between an ordinary interest in something and focused attention is the difference between an ordinary light bulb lights up a room but cannot do more than that. But when that same light energy is concentrated and focused, it becomes a weapon that cannot be stopped. A laser beam cuts through steel like butter because it is focus energy. This same laser beam is used by surgeons to burn tumors and perform delicate eye surgeries. This is the difference between  focused attention and mere interest in your dream. You see, many circumstances will arise to make you relinquish your dream, break your focus and let go of what you started. You will always be tested by life to assess your inner resolve to succeed. If you are resolute, dogged and tenaciously focused, you will scale through all the hurdles on your way, weather the storms and do all it takes to achieve your goals. Success doesn't come cheap; you must prove yourself before you accomplish great things in life. Life will continue to throw tests at you until you rise up to the challenge and triumph over them. All takes is focus. Your dream is like an ordinary missile but with proper focus it becomes an empowered patriot missile that cannot miss its target. You van empower your dream by staying focused on doing one of thing  at a time. If you want to accomplish so many things at the same time, you stand the risk of doing everything with diluted concentration, energy and passion and you will end up becoming at best an accomplished mediocre in life. Successful people on the other hand define their objective, stay focused on this singular objective until it is accomplished, then move on to something new. If you spent time with a successful man or woman, one thing you notice is the energy they exude around them. that energy  is a product of their focus and passion. This energy attracts people, money, ideas and opportunities to them, that people who lack focus don't have in their lives. Without focus, you cab be easily distracted by the allure of achieving success in easier and more lucrative professions other than that which you are involved in. There is no profession that rolls out success come cheap in other countries of the world. Some people erroneously believe that it is easier for them to succeed abroad, but what they don't realize is that the principles you will employ to succeed in this country are the same you will used in any other part of the world. The truth of the matter is that if you cannot make it in this country, it is very doubtful that you can make it in any other country of the world. The market place is no respecter of person or race, it only answers to value. If you add value, you will be richly rewarded. You must go into the market place and assert yourself. Focus encapsulates you with energy and empowers you to say in the game until you make your nark, accomplish your dream and actualise your idea. You develop your focus by eliminating every other pursuit or dream which seems attractive but isn't producing the kind of results you desire in your life. Eliminate things which require a lot of efforts but produce very little results. Your result must be commensurate with your effort. Be focused on producing viable results. 8. START WITH PASSION The difference between the great and the mediocre of this life is passion. You will only succeed at what you are excited about. Passion however is more than mere excitement, it is the willingness to pour your life into whatever you do. It is a state if mind which holds every other attraction ad tasteless in comparison with your primary objective, focus or dream. Passion is being possessed by your dream. Passionate people engage in an enterprise and do all that it takes to succeed. Passionate people wake up when others are sleep and work out the details of their dream. They think through Evey conceivable angle and make decisions that will carry them forward. Passion for your dream empowers you. You tap into incredible streams of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strength which you never knew you possessed. I am passionate about self publishing. I can talk for hours on this subject from various angle and I won't be exhausted or tired. If you are always feeling drained and uninspired at your job, it may just be because you are working at a job you ate not passionate about. Passion will get you to be the first to get to your office and most probably be the last to leave. Passion will make you volunteer for assignments that others dread to take on. Passion will cause you to go the extra mile at your job and do more you are paid for. Your passion for your job will being you to the notice of people who can help you move up in your organisation. Your passion will cause the lazy and uninspired staff in your company to call you the boss's daughter or son but it is far better than being a nobody in the organisation. If you dread going to the office in he morning and you look at the clock throughout your working hours, you are at a dead end job. That job is detrimental yo your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well being. You are slowly dying at that job through you look healthy and vibrant to your coworkers who cannot see through you. You must get your life back! Either you change your attitude or be bold and look for a new job. Working without passion is destroying yourself with style. Passion is giving all your heart a d mind to a dream. It is what moves people to sell all they have to invest in their dream. In Mathew 13:44 a man found a great treasure hidden in a piece of landed property. He went and sold all he possessed and bought that land. Passion attainment of your goals. Without taking calculated risks, you will not amount to much in life. Many people talk about their dreams but they ate unwilling to put their money on the table. To win you must back up your big words and put your money where your mouth is. How passionate are you about your dream? Are you ready to sell your property to see it become a reality? what are you willing to do to prove yo yourself that you are not deluding yourself with all this talk about achieving your dream? The more you talk about something you are not passionate about, the more deluded you become. The only way out of such self delusion is to break out of this limiting mental mode and act with passion. Do something positive and constructive. Make your dream happen!

Do you learn anything  at all? In case you having any questions concerning how to start a business in Nigeria, kindly let us know by your comment or using contact us section. Our expert are online waiting for your inquiries.
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