4 Types Of Prayers For Every Successful Relationship
Prayer is one of the keys that help to build up your relationship along positive lines. Prayer helps you focus on God's plan, purpose and direction for the relationship.
When you both bray, you ask God to step into and take charge of the relationship. We all have challenges in various areas of our lives and we need divine intervention to help us triumph in these situations. Putting God first in prayer ensures that the spirit of God will be present to give direction to the relationship. Prayer strengthens you to go through difficult periods of your relationship. When you pray, you bring God's power to bare on the relationship. There are several things that may affect or negatively influence the eventual outcome of your relationship.
Prayer will expose such areas to you and help you confront them courageously.
There may be spiritual forces that are opposed to the success of your relationship which you are unaware of, but as you pray, the spirit of God will reveal such to you and show you how to overcome them. The second thing is mentor.
Mentor are people who have done what you are trying to do. They have achieved what you are trying to achieve in your business, carrier or relationship and they are very successful at what they do. For your relationship to succeed, you need the constant and timely counsel of mentors who you should invite to help you develop your relationship.
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Some people think protecting the integrity of their relationship means excluding of their relationship means excluding any form of external help or assistance to make the relationship work.
They refuse to talk to professional counselor's, relationship experts, pastors or successful couples who may have the solution to their challenges. Many relationships could have been saved if the couples humbled themselves and brought their relationship under the guidance of a mentor.
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There are many challenges you will overcome easily because you have the wisdom of experienced people building you through. You don't have to learn by experience what you can learn by wisdom.
Mentors don't just jump on you from nowhere. You have to seek them out yourself if you desire their wealth of experience and wisdom. Schedule a regular meeting with your mentor at least once a month.
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A mentor ensure that your relationship is not a well guarded secret. Anything done in secret will never end well. Secrecy breeds fear and uncertainty. Fear of exposure tortures your mind daily. Secrecy is a breeding ground for sin. Mentors eliminate this problems created by your immaturity and inexpensive in handling a relationship.
Also Read: 4 Types Of Prayers For Every Successful Relationship.
There is a devil out there who wants to destroy anything that will being you happiness. Now that you've found the right man or lady for you, you must stand against the enemy and every one of his agents in prayer if you want to succeed. A good relationship can go bad without the undergirding power of prayer. Don't leave anything to chance; prayer and guarantee the success of your relationship.
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