3 Ways To Develop A God Empowered Relationship

In a successful relationship, the partners are involved in a program of personal development.
One of the keys to a real intimacy is openness. Only mature people can afford to be sincerely open with each other. In a relationship where both of you are continually building up your self-esteem by reading, attending seminars and mixing with other like minded people, it accelerates the rate of personal development which reflects directly on the health of your relationship.
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In a relationship where self development is given no priority, the partners become stunted mentally, emotionally and spiritually thereby hindering the growth of the relationship. There is usually no real intimacy because the partners are not maturing and leaving behind immature and insecure behaviour. The more you expand your consciousness by reading and connecting with brighter minds, the easier it becomes for you to be open and intimate with your partner.
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Successful relationship don't just happen, the partners make them work. You can't sit back, fold your hands and expect a miracle to happen.
You want your relationship to be healthy but you are not willing to put forth the effort or make the necessary sacrifice needed to make it work. If you are not willing to make your relationship work, it will eventually fail. Every aspect of the relationship must be worked on if you want it to succeed. You need to work on your character. How do you handle your partner's little idiosyncrasies? You must work on yourself before you can begin to work on your relationship. If you have challenges, the first place to look at is yourself and ask yourself if you are responsible for what is going on. If you are, the work on that aspect of your character until you notice remarkable improvements.
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If you are loquacious, jump to conclusions or you are not attentive enough, you need to work on yourself then bring the improved you into the relationship. We are quick to point accusing fingers at our partners for the problems we are experiencing in our relationship, but you must realize that every time you point one fingers, three fingers are pointing right back at you. In solving a relationship challenge, Always begin with personal introspection. That is where the answer to the problem usually lies. Be honest enough with yourself to ask am I responsible for what is happening in this relationship? If I am, what do I need to do to change it?
Questions like these will help you work on areas of vital importance to your relationship.
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A successful relationship is one that is constantly been insulated and protected from negative external influences.
There are some people who are close to you and may negatively influence the relationship if you allow them to. If you don't protect the integrity of your relationship from this negative minded people, they may sow seeds of doubt, fear and confusion in your mind, which may yield negative fruits of disharmony, strife and distrust in your relationship in future.
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If you are immature, you may tend to discuss your relationship with your friends towards you and your relationship with h Mr or Miss X. But, you can never tell for certain who may be secretly envious of your relationship and may even want to have your partner for themselves. That is why at the beginning of your relationship, keep issues discussed between you and your partner confidential until the relationship becomes more defined; even after that,  don't be quick to tell your friends what is happening in your relationship.
Talk with only people who have successful relationship; people who have successful relationship; people who can give you quality advice and counsel based on their own experience in building a successful relationship. Don't discuss your life with people who have more problems than you, what they will tell you is how to be messed up like them. If f you are going through any challenges, take it to God in prayer or go to your spiritual mentor for counseling. But never expose your problems to those who cannot help your in any way. Protect the integrity of your relationship and watch it succeed .
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The second thing is to making God the centre of your life will place your relationship on the path of success. Couples who are God centered have it far easier than couples who aren't.
Recognizing that God is interested in the success of your relationship and turning it over to him removes a lot of burden and anxiety from you. You realize that you are no longer struggling to make things work but you are now depending on the power, ability and grace of God to help your relationship succeed.
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In a God centered relationship, decision are taken based on the principles of God's word. No individual partner gets up and makes a permanent decision without first consulting the oracle of God. God's oracle is his word which addresses every major issue we will confront in life. When you consult God before making your decision, you acknowledged his wisdom and give him too to operate freely in your life
You should learn to be in agreement. Learn to think and pray through every issue you face. Life changing decisions should never be taken in a hurry, without subjecting the decision to a period of intense prayer and thinking.
When you  put God first, you live by his scripturally prescribed standards for you. You don't compare your relationship to others or influence and control the relationship. Your relationship is regulated by scriptural values and principles. When you put God first you will enjoy his peace and comfort in your life.
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