Questions To Ask Your Partner Before Marriage.

When a relationship moves from the love stage to the commitment stage, then the partners are really serious about making it work.
Most relationships falter and fail because the partners are not really committed to making it work. They enter into the relationship with the mind-set that if it works, good; but if it doesn't, they will look for another partner. With such a negative philosophy ruling the minds of both partners, they will be unable to weather the storms that must of necessity come to test the authenticity of the relationship. Because of the differences in the partners' personalities, backgrounds and values, conflicts are bound to arise. These conflicts are normal to every relationship but if the partners are not prepared for them, they may just take the easy way out and look for another partner elsewhere.
Must Read: How To Plan For A successful Relationship.
To make a relationship work, your commitment must be unequivocal. This means that you have your mind made up concerning the relationship. You are not thinking of leaving, coping out or looking for a better person as soon as problems arise in the relationship. You accept your partner for who he or she is and you are prepared to live with him or her for the rest of your life.
Must Read: Meaning Of Courtship And The Importance Of Courtship In Marriage 
Many couples get engaged or enter into a marriage without first taking time to investigate the claims of the man or woman they want to enter into a relationship with. They don't bother to test them based on God's word. It is only after the relationship has started they notice some aspects of their partner's life which they never observed or notice before. Dating is supposed to help you assess the character, personality, vision and other relevant traits of your potential partner before you agree to courtship or get married. If you fail to do this, you set yourself up for future problems in the relationship. It is through dating that you make up your mind concerning this man or woman you are interested in. Don't think that by jumping into courtship or marriage, your relationship will avoid these problems.
Lack of commitment to the relationship will sap the life from the relationship. When partners feel that anything can happen, they tend not to give their possible best to the relationship. There is an energy level required to keep each unique relationship going, if it doesn't, the relationship will begin to crawl and eventually die. If you don't feel excited about the relationship; you don't always thing about your partner, plan for the future or sacrifice for the relationship, your commitment level is low.
Also Read: 6 Elements Of Successful Relationship 
If only one partner is committed to the relationship, it will not succeed. No matter how much you are ready to sacrifice for the success of the relationship, if your partner does not support, encourage or reciprocate your efforts, everything you do will eventually be wasted. You cannot bear the emotional, mental, financial and spiritual burdens of the relationship alone, it requires the shoulders of both parties to bear these responsibilities. Where one party does all the work while the other passively watches him or her sweat it out, the relationship will becomes a slave relationship.
Related Post: 5 Reasons Why Long Courtship Not Advisable For Youth.
If you are the one struggling, sweating and fighting to keep the relationship alive, you have become a slave to your partner. He or she is obviously not interested in real, genuine commitment. The noble thing for you to do is to look for another person who will reciprocate every bit of energy you expend on the relationship. Successful relationships are not based on a selfish and myopic 50% to 50% love, but on a 100% to 100% total commitment philosophy.
Also Read:  Meaning, Causes And Solutions To Marital Unfaithfulness.
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