Love Or Compatibility - What's More Important To A Marriage?. [Must Read

In a healthy relationship, partners are compatibleCompatibility means that the partners agree on major and vital areas of life. The degree to which you agree will determine how well your relationship works. If you are not compatible, the relationship will never work no matter how hard you try or how much external assistant you receive.

Compatibility is one of the major or keys that make  your relationship work. You should be spiritually, emotionally, intellectual and physically Compatibility with your partner. You can't force compatibility. You can't lie about it. If you pretend and lie to be what you are not, you are in an unhealthy relationship. Successful partners are socially, spiritually, intellectually compatible. You may be spiritually compatible but you may not be socially compatible. Your spiritual compatibility will not solve the problems of lack of social compatibility. You can flow together in church but come from totally different social backgrounds. The God factor will not solve this problem. You cannot 'pray' your partner to like going to the places you love going to or to like hanging out with your social crowd. He or she may be very conservative while you are very open minded, liberal and  accommodating.
Age also plays an important role in making your relationship work. If your age different is too wide, you may have some compatibility problems especially if one partner is not as emotionally or intellectually mature as the other. If you are in a relationship with a partner who is about five to ten years older than you, you should make sure you can flow or function at his or her intellectual and emotional level before you commit to the relationship. Older people have more experience and if you are not as deep as this man or woman, you may forever be playing “catch up” with him or her.
Don't think that because you are s£xually attracted to this person that is all that matters. S£xual attraction is not strong enough to make a relationship successful. Ladies are very quick to equate s£xual attraction with compatibility. That is why it is dangerous for you as a lady to jump into bed with this guy before you are married to him. The moment you make this mistake, you may begin to think that he is the man for you and that most times is a lie induced by a soul tie. You could throw yourself into lots of problems by compromising your s£xual integrity in order to get closer to this man.
You be successful, all aspect of your life should be compatible. If people who are totally compatible have challenges in their relationship, what do you think your relationship will be like if you are not even compatible in the first place? You can't  force, fake or create compatibility. It either exist or it doesn't. If it doesn't exist, you need to look for someone else with whom you are compatible.
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There is enough in this blog to help you make the right choice. I believe that by God's help you will make a wise, well informed, prayerful and intelligent decision that you will be happy with. You also trust that your choice of a marriage partner will lead into a happy nurturing and fulfilling marriage.
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