How To Plan For A successful Relationship [Must Read]

Successful couples plan for The future togetherness. A relationship is more than just being friends. Going out and having good romantic times.

There is a divine reason why you are attracted to this person and why you want to spend the rest of your mutual love for each other; you should discover God's will for your future and plan for it. You both have your individual dreams, this brings mutual trust and respect to the relationship. One partner is not left feeling like he or she is bearing the burden of the success of the relationship. Both partners are equally contributing to it. But for the relationship to succeed, you must move to the next level; that is for both of you to sit down and chart a course for your future together.
Before a ship leaves the port on a voyage the captain charts a course for the journey.
This charted course guides and directs all the members of the crew on what to do. When storms arise in the middle of their journey, the crew sticks to the coordinates the captain already specified for the journey. If this charted course is followed, the ship will eventually get to it's intended destination successful.
Like a ship on a voyage, your relationship must have an intended destination. Where do you both want to be in the next  five , ten or twenty years from now? In what country do you want to live? Do you want to adopt children? What kinds of businesses or enterprise do you want to get involved in? What are your financial goals? What does your dreams home look like? These and many other details should be sorted out if you want to enjoy your relationship. Write them down in your family journal. People who fail. You both should sit down and agree on which direction  you want your life to go. Incorporate your personal goals and dreams into your larger plan together. Success doesn't just happen; you make it happen. This plan should be referred to as often as possible and followed to the letter.
If for any reason, you decide to change course, you should both sit down, discuss the issues involved and set a new course for your lives. Which a clear plan in place, the direction in which your relationship is going is clear to both of you. There is no uncertainly about your future because you know what you want to do and how you intend to get there. A written plan brings order into your relationship. Order creates peace and a deep feeling of certainly of success.
With a plan in place, you leave no room for sucking heart rendering surprises in the relationship. No partner wakes up one morning and decides to travel to some distance country without prior notice or discussion, sending the life of the other partner into an uncontrollable spin and creating problems for him or her. No partner should hijack the future of the relationship because he or she has more money, or is more successful than other. No partner should use emotional manipulation, s£x or other un-derhanded tactics to steer the relationship off its set course because this will lead to certain disaster.
The cleaner the future is to both of you, the easier it is for you to work it out together. Where there is no clear, definite and written plan to follow, the partners will live their lives by trial and error. The errors usually will lead to untold pain, bitterness and unforgeveness in the hearts of both partners. They may feel that one person is doing the other one in. Success is always guaranteed when there us agreement on a clear plan for the future of the relationship.
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