How To Know A Genuine Truly Relationship?

1. HER BODY: God designed a woman in such a way that when a man sees her, he is attracted to her. Her beauty guarantees that she is noticed, wanted and valued by the man. So a man is first attracted by a woman's beauty and body; this is a natural reaction. In fact, if you are not attracted to her physically,  you may not be able to enjoy staying around her. However, a relationship is not founded on nor is it sustained by a  woman's beauty but by other virtues she possesses. If these virtues are none existent, no matter how attractive, s£xy or beautiful she may look like, the relationship will fail. If all you find appealing about her is her body, your relationship will be s£x based, very shallow.
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A s£x based relationship will fail. You cannot afford to marry a woman because she is s£xy; so are many prostitutes but why have you not approached any for marriage? Obviously because of their lack of character. A woman's outer beauty will fade with passing time. If you are a beauty addict; you run after beautiful ladies and change then when you like, you will be very frustrated unless you change. The bible says beauty is vain; that means it won't last; but character will outlive it.
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Maybe you made the mistake of having premarital s£x with her and you can't seem to get over her body. You are under the influence of a soul tie. Before you do something foolish, go for counseling. S£x in itself cannot make a relationship work.
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Proverbs 31 talks about the qualities of a various woman. In this passage of scripture, a wise mother was giving counsel to her son about women. A woman should not be judges by how beautiful she looks, how much money she makes but by the Depth of her character. What you should look for is her principles, values and her philosophy of life. Does she put Christ first or does she serve God only for what she can get?
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Don't be fooled by some ladies who attend night prayer meetings; many have their hearts set on getting a marriage partner, after that, they waive bye-bye to the  church. Does she keep her words? Is she hospitable, hardworking and compassionate? She may be rich but possess a very mean and ungodly spirit. Keep away from such a woman. Place a premium on character and you will attract the right woman for you.
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