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Successful couples operate by law of forgiveness. People are not perfect. No matter how mature you and your partner are, there are still several areas of your life you both are working on. There will be several occasions where o e person says the wrong word or does the wrong things that causes an offence.
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Doing something that offends, irritates or annoys your significant other does not mean that you don't care or that you don't have genuine feelings of love for him or her. What it means is that you are still in the process of maturing and growing up. Successful partners realize this, therefore they leave too to accommodate such mistakes and this us where forgiveness comes in. You have to learn to forgive your partner if you want your relationship to work out. Unforgiveness creates so many problems in the relationship.
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There are people that are imprisoned by the past because they refuse to forgive and release  it. They hold on to the hurts, pain and mistakes of yesterday thereby living their lives in the past. At the least opportunity, they bring up issues from the past and use it to poison the present. These issues from the past have a way of destabilizing the equilibrium of the relationship. The relationship us stunted and never grows beyond that stage. They keep talking about issues that happened over six months ago. There is a rule that will help your relationship successful: don't talk about issues that have been discussed, settles and are over three months old. If you can't resolve an issues in three months, that issues will most probably lead to the end of that relationship. Let the past go. Focus on the future.
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Unorgiveness  holds you bound emotionally. Maybe your partner offended you about a month ago and you haven't forgive him or her yet. You bottled up the experience in your heart. Every conversation you have with your partner is held under the dark clouds of the bitterness and pain from your past. You still feel and experience the same negative emotions you felt at the time the incident occurred.
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These emotions are toxic and can cause psychosomatic illnesses. These are sicknesses that are caused by holding on to dis-empowering  emotions for a long time. When you let go of these negative emotions, the sicknesses disappear by themselves. If you find it difficult to forgive others, it may be because you don't forgive yourself for your mistakes. Those who learn to forgive themselves find it very easy to forgive otherwise
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Unforgiveness keeps you emotionally stunted. You keep on operating as a child with a very low tolerance level, unable to handle and deal with offenses. Offenses are normal to life and if  you don't learn to handle them, they may destroy your relationship. You should grow up and learn to be more tolerant and forgiving of your partner if you want your relationship to be successful. There hope you all enjoy this post, a word is enough for a wise.
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