Five Kinds Of Woman You Should Never Date Or Marry. [Must Read[

My bothers over there, there are certain types of woman you should not get involved with if you want t to have a very successful life a d marriage. If you are presently involved in a relationship with any of them, now is the time to dump them.
My brothers you are lucky if you across this article, don't ever try to marry or date a lady or woman that does little or nothing for herself. She depends on other to handle all the responsibilities of her life. This woman does not like to pay her bills, dept, or other financial responsibilities incurred by her. She is ever Learning on  another person to do the most duties that life demands from her.
This woman gets by with her charm, beauty and charisma. People go out of their way to help her handle certain of her responsibilities when she  applies continuous pressure on them. When she get married to you she will expect you to handle all her responsibilities while she does little or nothing to contribute to the success of your relationship. This woman is only a liability to you but she will bring you untold pain.
2. A LIAR:
This occurred when a woman or lady is very eloquent, intelligent and sometimes Charmin. You will never realize that such a woman could be telling you lies because you will never be able to reconcile the outward facade she puts up with who she really is. She conceives and concocts tales that never happened just to impress you. After a while, she just tells lies for no reason.
She is a dept at misrepresenting, hiding, camouflaging and bending the truth. If you catch her telling lies, she first defends the lie with another one, then later confess to you that it was a lie. Because you love her, you keep on forgiving her. Never permit a chronic, recalcitrant and hardened liar to be your friend; she will ruin you.
A liar can also be a thief, sex freak, unfaithful and a waster and you may never discover it. To protect yourself, the first time you catch her lying, forgive her because once is not enough to prove that she is a liar. The next time however, made k her as a liar. Get rid of her as soon as possible before she destroys you.

A waster lives above her means. She is addicted to buying whatever look good when her she has the money or not. She buys almost everything on credit. She is always paying debts. Never satisfied such a lady, because she will continues to loom for new clothes, jewelry or underwear to buy without paying up her her previous debts.
She compares herself with other successful ladies and tries her very best to be like the even if it cripples her financially. She had no savings or other valuable investments that help her create wealth. Her idea of success is how large her wardrobe is. Because of her habits, she goes out with any nan who can pay up her debts. If you can't, she dumps you for a richer guy. She nay confess that she loves you, but at the end, the bottom lines is how Mich you put on the table to cater for her "addiction".
Don't be deceived into believing that giving her more money will solve her problems because it won't. Her problems is not the lack of money but an uncontrollable desire and drive to SPEND all she has. You cannot change her. Let her go.
She is not physically challenged in any way but she is totally laid back. She hates to lift her hand to handle household cores. She prefers hiring someone to do her chores for her. In her business, studies and succeed. She is too lazy to read her books, collect I formation on her field of competence, see her very important success. She uses her charm to get  by a lot of times.
She throws herself at men who will love to rescue her and impress her. She leans in any one, male or female, who love to do things for her. She will delay important projects, procrastinate and avoid doing things necessary for success until she has no more excuses to give.
She may also headed for failure if she does not change. Leave her alone. Don't become her guardian Angel in an attempt to win her love. She will let you get very close to her
she desperately needs you to slave for her. She is not the woman for you.
She is the centre of attention wherever she is. She is beautiful, intelligent, and very successful. She plays only with the big boys.' Her taste is very classy and expensive. Very enlightened a d flamboyant, she attracts you with her incredible ability to think clearly, proffer solution to problems and help you handle your challenges with great ideas. She spends because she has the money. She dates several men at the same time, but takes none of them seriously. She hangs out only with rich and successful men from whom she regularly collects large sum of money.
She is promiscuous and jumps in and out of bed with the men she goes out with. Her philosophy of life is very twisted; she believes in enjoying herself as much as possible without limits or restraints. She may go to church and be very religious but her lifestyle is a far cry from scriptural values and principles of holiness and contentment. You can never be sure if she loves you because there are so many men around her. This is not the woman for you.
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