6 Ways To Have More Fun In Your Long-Term Relationship

Successful couples have  fun. They learn to enjoy the journey of discovery. Getting to know your partner can be fun and exciting if you have a positive attitude to the whole process.
As best of friends, you should enjoy each other's company more than any one else in the world. If you don't get excited about spending time with him or her, you may be with the wrong partner.
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Make your partner enjoy talking with you, sharing ideas with you, going out with you, spending time with you. If your partner travels out of the country on a business trip or course, let he or she wish you were there with him or her. You are the closest person to him or her. If you are not an enjoyable person to be around, your partner may begin to think he or she has made a grievous mistake in choosing you. Instead  of your relationship being an exciting adventure, it may look more like a jail sentence or banishment to an abandoned island alone!
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Life can be fun. Are you always looking at the difficulties, problems and challenges you face? Tiu can't possibly go through life like that, building on the negative. There is no challenge free life. But you can turn every challenge into an Opportunity. You and your partner can learn from experiences and use them to forge a stronger bond of love and friendship.
If you are going to spend the rest of your life with this man or woman you should learn to create an atmosphere of fun and excitement around you no matter what. Men are most times focused on their projects and money making ventures, so it is up to you as lady to    bring fun into the relationship. Successful couples enjoy their relationship.

The second thing for you single ladies and single men is to making God the centre of your life will place your relationship on the oath of the success. Couples who are God centered have it far easier than couples who aren't.
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Recognising that God is interested in the success of your relationship and turning it over to him removes a lot burden and anxiety from you. You realize that you are no longer struggling on the power, ability and grace of God to help your relationship success.
In a God centered relationship, decisions are taken based on the principles of God's words. No individual partner get up and make a permanent decision without first consulting the oracle of God's. God's oracle is his word which address every major issues we will confront in life. When you consult God before making your decision, you acknowledged his wisdom and give Him room to operate freely in your life.

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You should learn to be in agreement. Learn to think and pray through every issues you face apart from relationship. Life change decisions should never be taken in a hurry, without consultation by both partners or without subjecting the decision to a period if intense prayer and thinking.
When you put God first, you live by His scripturally prescribed standards for you. You don't compare your relationship to others or permit external unscriptural forces to influence and control the relationship. Your relationship is regulated by scriptural values and principles. When you put God first you will enjoy His peace and comfort in your life.
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