21 Mistakes Single Men And Single Ladies Make

Good morning to you all the readers of this blog. This post was designed to help you navigate successful thorough the exciting and sometime difficult process of finding a nurturing, worthwhile and fulfilling relationship. To get your idea partner, you should know the difference between the woman or man who is good for you and one who is probably wasting your hard money and your precious time. I believe this twenty one (21) mistakes mistakes single ladies and men make will serve as a guide to help you locate, connect and work out the details of a marriage bound relationship with the right woman or man for you.
Without wasting much of time, let me quickly go into the list of twenty one
(21) mistakes single men and single ladies makes.
Here we go.
1. WHAT DO I WANT?: In the male to female relationship, you have to decide  the kind of person you want. You also need to become the person you desired in all areas of life, so that when he or she appears, you will recognize Read more here.
2. WHAT DOES HE OR SHE WANT FROM ME?: The woman or man who desire to get something from you is always at his or her very best behavior when she is with you.
My brothers and sister's, you can never accurately tell who she is until she is away from you. Check out her company of friends. They will tell you read more here.
3. WHEN A WOMAN DRAGS HER FEET: You have internalized and applied all the secret you gleaned from seminars and books but yet, this woman seems to be taking her time to make a  read more here.
4. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GET MARRIED? THEN DO THIS: If you are ready for marriage and it seems as if you are not connected with the right partner, you may need to change read more here.
5. FIVE KINDS OF LADIES AND GUYS YOU SHOULD NEVER DATE OR MARRY: There are certain types of guys and ladies you should not get involved with if you want to have a very successful life and marriage. If you are continue reading.
6. S£X DRIVEN RELATIONSHIP:  S£x driven relationship is the most prevalent kind of relationship among young people. S£x is a very powerful continue reading.
7. ROMANCE DRIVEN RELATIONSHIP: Most teenagers grow up reading romantic novels. These novels are full of the romantic adventures of some beautiful young read more.
8. LIE DRIVEN RELATIONSHIP: In this kind of relationship, almost every aspect is built on the lies told by one or both parties. Lies have been told about the past, career, families and their  future. The problems with lies is that you read more.
9. GUILTY DRIVEN RELATIONSHIP: You are in this kind of relationship because you feel sorry for your partner. Maybe she is going through some read more.
10. CLASS DRIVEN RELATIONSHIP: This is a type of relationship where by couple a drawn together because of their family ties, financial or read more.

11. MONEY DRIVEN RELATIONSHIP: In this kind of relationship, money determines how you feel and respond to each other. When you give her money and read more.
12. HOW COMPATIBLE ARE YOU?: Before you get completely overwhelmed with love and head for marriage with this lady or man, you both are compatible. Compatibility means that you both have read more.
13. SOCIAL: How socially compatible are you with this lady or man you want to get married to? Social compatibility has to do your read more.
14. ARE YOU SOCIAL STYLES DIFFERENT?: You may have a  wild, hilarious, exuberant, fast and energetic social lifestyle, while your partner may have a slow paced, quite, almost sedentary social life; you may have major problems read more.
15. INTELLECTUAL COMPATIBILITY: What excites you about a woman most times is her ability connect with you on an intellectual level. When you met, her physical looks meant more to you until read more.
16. DO YOU WANT HIM OR HER FOR HER BODY, MONEY OR CHARACTER?: Why do you want this lady: for her body, money or character? God designed a woman in such a way that when a man sees her, he is read more.
17.  IS SHE THE WOMAN FOR ME?: Some men are attracted to successful woman for different reasons. The reasons are read more.
18. THE ANATOMY OF THE MAN OR WOMAN WHO LOVES YOU: How can you recognize a woman or man  who genuinely loves and care for you? How can you distinguish between the jokers, time wasters, and serious contenders for your loves? How can you easily detect a man or woman who is out to remove rather than add to your life? Who is that man or lady who loves you? Yes you can know them by;
1. He or She is available,
2. He or She is unavailable,
3. His or Her relationship has read more.
19. SOUL TIES: You are dating or engaged to this handsome guy or this beautiful lady and intelligence lady or guy. He or she fit perfectly into your character profile and your love for each is mutual. However, you should be careful not to make certain read more.
20. DON'T MARRY A WOMAN WHO DOES ALL THE SPENDING: There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman showing her affection for you by buying you occasional gifts.  But if read more.
21. IN THE BEGINNING OF LOVE: When you are in love, certain chemical reaction take place in your brain; you overwhelmed by certain emotions which read more.

I have published several articles on this blog to help you make the right choice of marriage. I believe that by God's help, you will make a wise, well informed, prayerful and intelligent decision that you will be happy with. I also trust that your choice of a marriage partner will lead you into a happy, nurturing and fulfilling marriage
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