2 Things Always Making Relationship Succeed, Failure To Do It Will Result In Divorce

Making God the centre of your life will place your relationship on the oath of the success. Couples who are God centered have it far easier than couples who aren't.
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Recognising that God is interested in the success of your relationship and turning it over to him removes a lot burden and anxiety from you. You realize that you are no longer struggling on the power, ability and grace of God to help your relationship success.
In a God centered relationship, decisions are taken based on the principles of God's words. No individual partner get up and make a permanent decision without first consulting the oracle of God's. God's oracle is his word which address every major issues we will confront in life. When you consult God before making your decision, you acknowledged his wisdom and give Him room to operate freely in your life.
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You should learn to be in agreement. Learn to think and pray through every issues you face apart from relationship. Life change decisions should never be taken in a hurry, without consultation by both partners or without subjecting the decision to a period if intense prayer and thinking.
When you put God first, you live by His scripturally prescribed standards for you. You don't compare your relationship to others or permit external unscriptural forces to influence and control the relationship. Your relationship is regulated by scriptural values and principles. When you put God first you will enjoy His peace and comfort in your life.
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SECONDLY: Money plays quite a significant role in life and relationships, but successful relationship are not built primarily on money.
The availability of money makes it very easy for you to meet your needs, pursue and fulfil your dreams. Money leverages your ability, skills and expertise. With money in your hands, you are able to fully express and utilize God's gifting in your life. Money gives you access to places, people and sometimes projects that guarantee your future. Without most ney, some doors nay be close to you and your dream may just keep on struggling to find expression. You may be confirmed to a particular location or social class because you have no financial freedom. 
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However, money in itself does not determine the success or failure of a relationship. If all other critical factors are not in place, but you have lots if money to meet your needs and pursue your dreams, your relationship may still fail. Some people determine a potential partner by the amount of money he or she possesses. They assume that the more money a person has, the easier it will be to get along with this person or develop and sustain a successful relationship with him or her. What they fail to understand it that money has no character of its own. It is neither good nor bad. Money only reflects the character of its owner.
There are people who are financially successful but are emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. Their values and beliefs are totally twisted, unethical and unscriptural. Their money will reflect their beliefs and values. The will use their money to pursue their twisted dreams and goals. Some of such people use their money to buy your friendship and when you discover their bankrupt spiritual and emotional  states, they try to use their money to buy your silence and continual allegiance to them. Such people don't have genuine relationships. They are users. 
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I have personally counseled some people in relationships with millionaires and discovered that although they had lots of money to spend, they did not enjoy the relationship because of the moral and spiritual degeneracy of their partner, if you think that a rich person will make your life happy, you are in for a shock. Money cannot talk to you, give you  comfort, be there to listen to your problems or meet your emotional, intellectual and physical needs. You require someone who is committed to you with all his or her heart. My brothers and sisters over their reading this article. For your relationship to be successful therefore, focus on the spiritual, emotional, intellectual virtues of this person you are interested in a d put money in its places.  

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