Why You Need To Avoid Competitive If You Want To Have A Successful Relationship, Must Read
Relationship must not be competitive. Because a successful relationship is build on the principle if mutual respect for each other. The partners recognize the value of each other in the relationship. When you both feel secure in yourself, you won't need to prove anything to tour partner to be accepted by him/her. Or if you always feel a need to prove that you are as successful or even better than him/her you are completing with him or her. You may be trying to prove your self to your partner because you don't think you are good enough, successful enough or rich enough to be his or her partner. Your feelings of inferiority will keep on motivating you to go the extra mile to prove yourself. You always wait to listen to his/her comments about what you do or say because you are not secure in yourself. You might also try to use your success,. Wealth or position to control the direction in which the relationship will go. But in a healthy relationship, the partners complement...